Italian Biotech Law Conference 2008 – Gen-Ethics and Bio Banks. Between Market and Law Enforcement Profiling
ALCEI organises Italian Biotech Law Conference’s fourth edition. 2008 conference topic is the (near) future building of a National DNA Database for criminal investigations.
Here is the programme (more information on the conference website):
Tuesday, Apr 8, 2008 – h 14,00/18,15 – Palazzo delle Stelline Sala PORTA – Corso Magenta 61 – Milano (IT)
h. 14,00/14,15 – Registration
h. 14,15/14,30
Opening and welcome speech
Leonardo Santi President
National Committee for Biosecurity, Biotechnology and Life Science – Council of Ministers
Guido Romeo, Journalist, Nà²va24 – IlSole24Ore
h. 14,30/15,00
Personal DNA-based identification: from collection to sample analysys
Salvatore Pece
Researcher, IEO – Europea Institute of Oncology
h. 15,00/15,30
DNAbase Security: hardware and software infrastructures
Andrea Cocito, Campus IEO-IFOM
h. 15,30/16,00
Biobanks and Italian Biotech industry role
Leonardo Biondi, Biopolo S.c.r.l.
h. 16,00/16,30 – Coffee break
Case history: the National DNA Database in the UK
Stephen Firth, Firth Consulting
h 17.00/17.30
Myth and reality of DNA-based investigations
Andrea Monti,
Vice President, ALCEI – Electronic Frontiers Italy
h 17.30/18.00
“Of Crime and Gene”
Giovanni Boniolo, Professor of philosophy of Science, Università degli Studi di Padova – IFOM Milano
h. 18.00/18.10
Leonardo Santi